Tuesday, May 13, 2014

God and Science CAN actually work together

I have been delaying weighing in on the topic of God vs. Science for a long time now, and have been unwilling to do so for mainly one reason - I don't see the point in creating a debate, and quite frankly don't have the time (or patience) to argue with people. You have your opinion, I have mine...great! How about we leave it at that?

Personally I don't see why this debate continually rages on in the first place. Let people believe what they want to believe. If you believe in God, or are a Pastarastafarian, or believe solely in Evolution, or believe in nothing at all, that is your choice. Good for you.

One particular thing I don't understand is how some people will assume that a person who believes in God automatically is assumed to be ignorant of science. And a scientist is automatically assumed to be an atheist. (These are generalizations, I realize that, but based on posts in news and social sites it appears to be a fairly consistent statement.)

The fact is this simply isn't true. I know of many scientists who are believers in God. Actually, some of them only came to faith after they worked in their particular scientific field, and continue to strengthen their faith the more they discover in science. I also know of several people who are the opposite - they are pushed further and further away from believing in a divine entity of any kind, based on the evidence they find in the science they pursue.

So which one of these is "true"? Let me state that, in my humble (yet accurate) opinion, both of these situations are okay!

I am a Christian who happens to love science, and all the amazing, cool, wondrous discoveries human beings continue to make. No matter which side of the fence you are on, does it make it worth it to fight over it, point fingers, and generate heated debates? I don't think so.

I would like to illustrate this if I can with the following thought.

Let us assume for a moment that God was real. Regardless of what you actually believe in, just humour me for a moment and follow along. If God is real, then we can make an assumption that He already knows all there is to know about Science (everything we already know, and everything else that we haven't discovered yet). Is it really so hard a stretch of the imagination to think that maybe God is intelligent enough to know about science, too? After all, He created the universe, I think He knows a couple things. It leads me to think that He has created the precision in the universe, so that we, as naturally curious creatures, can pursue it. Yay science!

So what does that mean for atheists and agnostics? It doesn't change anything. You can continue to hold to your views that there is no divine entity, and turn to science for your answers. Great! See? No harm done.

Together let's keep pushing the boundaries of our understanding of scientific fact, theory, concept, and hypothesis! The only difference is that the atheist chooses to believe that we live in a universe that has arrived at its present state by random selection and chance, while I choose to believe that a greater power created these wonderful things for us to discover.

Either way, science is still cool!

I'll love you regardless of what your choices are, because Jesus does the same for me - loves me despite the stupid or smart choices I have made in life, the mistakes I've made or the successes I've had, the wrongs I've done or the good I have accomplished. Either way, His love is unconditional acceptance. So lets follow that example, and just learn to get along, shall we?