Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Stories of Monty Potter and Harry Python

I had a fun musing this weekend. It hit me on Saturday morning, unbidden, out of the blue.

What if you combined the comedic wit of  Monty Python, with the fantastic story of Harry Potter?

I immediately saw opportunity in this! Imagine two school mates at Hogwarts - Monty Potter and Harry Python - going to class, coming up with the most silly of stories, and getting into the most Riddikulus of situations.

I mean, consider it: it would stand to reason that the Ministry of Magic would be bound to have a section there somewhere for the Ministry of Silly Walks, wouldn't they?

How fantastic would it be to see:

Harry Python and the Holy Grail

The Life of Brian Potter (Harry's cousin)

Harry Python and the Contractual Obligation

Harry Python's Flying Circus

Magic could certainly produce some wonderful effects for the flying circus!

And with a little extrapolation, some more incredible skits would become brilliantly available, like Harry Python and the Castle of Spamalot.

And who would ever forget The Album of the Soundtrack of the Trailer of the Film of Harry Python and the Holy Grail? (Including a rare Hogwarts Choir version of "Always Look On The Bright Side of Life".)

Definitely very silly. What do you think?

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