What Is Segregation?
A legally or socially enforced separation of people into
groups in daily life.
Segregation in Fiction
The story of The Hunger Games is about a dystopian
society where the elite live with wealth and affluence, and all the other
colonies live in isolation, constantly fighting for survival. The oppression of
the people in the twelve districts is highlighted by the annual selection of
two youths from each district, who compete in the Games to the death. The
victor is given food for their district. The entirety of the Games is
entertainment for the Capitol, where people watch and bet on the lives of the
children that are being seen killing each other.
The question is how did this start? In the story, this is
the 74th Games that are being held; how did this barbaric practice continue
for 74 years? It started with the punishment for the rebellions of the
Districts when they lost the war, and they were forced to split up into the
separate Districts. The divide was enforced, and travel between Districts was
forbidden, and by keeping them all separate they were controlled. The Districts
had no choice but to comply, and struggle daily to survive.
The majority of the people in the Capitol don’t really know
where their products and goods have come from, and don’t know the living
conditions the Districts are subjected to. They comply with government orders
and believe all the news reports without even knowing how to investigate the
truth for themselves. Censorship is key. We, as the reader of the book or
viewer of the movie, know what is going on because we see both sides, so it is
easier for us to discern the lies and half-truths. In the end, we are rooting
for the rebels, wanting them to win against the oppression, unfair treatment,
and general evil that has become the Capitol.
Segregation Throughout History
The story of the Hunger Games is a fictional story but has
its roots in real Earth history (a “what if” scenario of England winning the
war against the 13 Colonies of America), and many parallels can be drawn from
real world events. Learning and understanding both the fictional narrative and
our own history should be used to determine the best course of action today.
Racial Segregation in the United States
The racial separation of blacks and whites in America
started with the abolishing of slavery, where three new Amendments granted
newly freed African Americans legal status: the Thirteenth Amendment abolished
slavery, the Fourteenth provided citizenship, and the Fifteenth guaranteed the
right to vote. Despite these amendments and the civil rights acts to enforce
them, the American Supreme Court handed down a series of decisions between 1873
and 1883 that virtually nullified the work of Congress, and blacks were
regarded by many as second-class citizens at best.
By now everyone should have seen photos, watched video, read
reports, and listened to stories of the many years of segregation of blacks in
the United States. The Underground Railroad was used to help Blacks flee to
Canada where they were offered freedom from racial persecution. Brave people
like Rosa Parks stood up against this tyranny, and eventually necessary changes
were made to allow black people to live (arguably) peaceful lives with their
white neighbors.
Indigenous Segregation in Canada (and generally the Americas)
The early European settlers called it the “Indian Problem”. They
wanted to push the indigenous peoples out to make room for the white settlers.
This eventually led to the development of the reserve system, residential
schools, Indian hospitals, and other programs designed to separate the native
Indian from, well, everyone else. This paved the way for the complete
eradication of social, economic, cultural, and political systems of Indigenous
Peoples, while also allowing Europeans to expand their settlements across the
In the last couple of years, more light has been shed on the
tragedy that the residential schools were, and the thousands of deaths of
children that were a result of it. Sadly, there are likely thousands more to
still be uncovered, and this is only one program that was established – what
will we find when start to investigate the others? What horrible acts might
have been committed in the Indian hospitals that we are unaware of?
Segregation of People Globally in WW1 and WW2
The separation of people during the two Great Wars did not
just happen in Germany and its owned territories; it occurred globally. In Europe
during WW2, German work and death camps were created, and Jewish people were
forced into them simply for being Jewish. You may think that this was a
military strategy only, but most of the citizens of Germany were compliant with
the government rules. They relied on their citizens to report on their
neighbors if they saw suspicious behaviour, like trying to save a Jewish
person, or giving food or safe passage to a Jew. And the root of the problem is
that the people of these countries were compliant, even when many of them knew
it was wrong, but they felt they had no choice. If you want more evidence on
this, watch the videos (links below) on The Wave, an actual event that took
place in California in 1967, where school kids were turned into a fascist thinking
group within just a matter of days. It was an experiment designed to answer the
question "how could the Germans claim not to know about the killing of the
Jews and how could they have let the Nazis come to power?"
But this issue of segregation was not just limited to
Germany. For one example close to home, Canada and the United States separated
Japanese people from regular society and placed them into internment camps.
Why? Because there was a fear that Japanese people who lived here would find
sympathy for their culture and families back in Japan and end up attacking from
within. Was there a possibility that these fears could have been true? Yes, it
is possible, but the problem is that the vast majority of Japanese people
living in North America at the time had no desire for war, as they had jobs,
businesses, property, and community built here that they did not want to lose.
They valued everything they had built and did not want to lose that. As a
result of their internment, however, most Japanese-Americans lost their
livelihoods and homes, because when the war was over and they were released
from the internment camps, the jobs were gone, the homes had been sold or
appropriated to others, and the businesses had long since disappeared, in
many cases still charging the Japanese people interest on bank loans that they
had not been able to earn money for or pay since the beginning of the war.
What Does This Mean for Us Now?
There are, unfortunately, many more examples of this
throughout history. Something very important to note is how each of these
issues started – in most cases, it was not a sudden axe that fell. It was a
slow transition, where the general populace was asked to comply with one small
decision at a time. Look through the examples above and you will see this model
fit each scenario.
Step One – tell you what to fear, usually based
on either partial truths to make it sound factual.
Step Two – tell you who is to blame for that
Step Three – get you to comply with the
government mandated “solution” to make you safe.
Step Four – get you to snitch on neighbours and
point out those who are not complying.
Step Five – single out and separate those who do
not comply.
Step Six – the Government can now do whatever
they want to those who have been separated out. Why? Because the rest of
society thinks they are evil, they are to blame for everything that has
happened, so whatever they get they deserve anyway. They deserve these
consequences. Plus, it becomes out-of-sight, out-of-mind, because you can’t see
what’s happening to those people anymore. Thank goodness, society can get back
to “new” normal for those that have complied.
Sound familiar? What step do you think we are on now with
our current pandemic situation? Somewhere between four and five.
If you don’t believe me, lets take just one example from above and see if it fits. The Indigenous Peoples of North America followed a similar pattern.
- Indian people are unclean barbarians, uncivilized, and will attack or kidnap your children!
- Be afraid of the disease they bring, and the strange, weird, and dangerous spiritual beliefs. They are the ones to blame for the lawlessness and danger in our new settlements.
- “The Indian Problem” requires us to force them away from our settlements, for your safety.
- They are not our friends – they need to be educated in the “right” ways of our higher society! We’ll put the adults into Reserves, and we’ll steal the children away to put into schools so that we can teach them properly and get them away from barbaric practices.
- Anyone harbouring natives will be punished! You are not allowed on their land, lest you become corrupted by their evil ways! All natives are now secluded on their own Reserves – this is for your safety!
- Most people don’t interact with or know many natives. Countless punishments and deaths occur across the continent as native Indians are forced into the “right” way of societal thinking. Most European citizens and settlers don’t even know what is happening to the native Indians, or worse, they know but turn a blind eye to it.
You can see the pattern here.
Germany indoctrinated people into believing they were doing
what is right. Jews and anyone who supported them lost their jobs, businesses, homes, friends, families, property, and lives.
White people in America were taught that Blacks were a
threat, of a different, lesser species of human.
Canadians were told that Japanese people were to be feared
and so had to be placed in internment camps for everyone’s safety.
Pol Pot turned Cambodia into a communist country and, using
the Marxist-Leninist thinking to hold power, resulted in the death of an estimated
2 million people through genocide.
Stalin used the same Marxist-Leninist thinking to enact mass
repression, ethnic cleansing, wide-scale deportation, command hundreds of
thousands of executions, and craft famines, all of which resulted in the deaths
of an estimated 50 million of his own people to establish his rule.
And the tactics for each of these is largely the same.
Right now, on a global scale, this has become “The
Unvaccinated Problem”, and people are being asked to turn in their neighbors if
they haven’t been vaccinated, are being told to comply with the vaccine
mandates and passport systems, and it is all “for their own safety”. Whenever the
authorities are being questioned, the response is to continue to vilify the
people who will not comply.
There are hundreds of doctors, nurses, researchers, and
politicians around the world who have spoken out against either the threat of
mandates, the vaccine, or the virus itself, and if you look at their stories
you will again find a similar pattern. Previous to 2020, these people don’t
have a single stain on their record. They have been in their profession for
many years, sometimes decades. They raise their voice with questions and
concerns, and suddenly they have pages and pages of material brought against
them to discredit their claims, their research, and to conduct character
attacks against them. Again, look above at the historical examples – does this
look familiar?
What step are you willing to let the current issues climb to
before you take notice?
1. Step One – Fear covid! We are in a pandemic.
Step Two – Fear your neighbour. They might have
Step Three – Take this vaccine. Fear anyone who
Step Four – Snitch on neighbours and point out
those who are not complying.
5. Step Five – Segregate those who do not comply. They present a danger and there must be consequences. Unvaccinated lose their jobs and businesses, homes, property, friends and family.
6. Step Six – The Government has full power over the movement of the population. They can effectively mandate any treatment they want of the unvaccinated who are in quarantine, for the greater good.
Seriously, You Are Going to Go There?
I know, I know, people will think I am being paranoid.
People will want to call me names or start to discredit any of the sources I
will share, or something. But I just want to conclude by asking you this: what
if I am right?
What if there is an agenda, a narrative going on and you are
one of the ones being compliant, going along with the wave of government
enforcement? Watch the video of "The Wave" below, and then try to tell me there are no similarities here.
What if the internment camps start showing up again, and “The
Unvaccinated Problem” is proposed to be solved by taking anyone who is
unvaccinated and forcing them to move and live in those camps? (See the Australia links below for confirmation of this already happening.)
If you don’t think that is possible, look at the following
posts in the links below, and then look at the steps outlined above. Think about where the
line must be drawn to stop history from repeating itself…again.
Related Article and Video Links
Australia Forced Quarantine Situations
South Australians are being forced to get this app on their
phone to prove they are at home, and self-quarantined. From the Australian news
and government: “The state will text them at random times, and thereafter they
will have 15 minutes to take a picture of their face in the location where they
are supposed to be. Should they fail, the local police department will be sent
to follow up in person.” Does that sound like a free country? Or does that
sound like it is starting to look familiar from the steps above?
In the already created Australian quarantine camps, life is
not very happy.
Video Links for “The Wave”
If you don’t believe how easy it is to have groups of people
be manipulated, or are just curious to watch for more information, I recommend
the following short movie that is based from the true story of how “The Wave”
came to be.
As a follow up, this short documentary from January 2021 is
a written short story from the teacher, Ron Jones, and his thoughts on how it
all happened.
Finally, some additional resources about The Wave – consider
these both the TLDR version of the above two videos, as each of these is only a
few minutes long.
Police and Emergency Services Warnings
A retired forensic investigator speaking of the dangers, and
what the global unity of police is now trying to do to educate others and stop
the unethical laws that are going into effect.
Is Science Showing That Natural Immunity is Better?
What Are the Real Risks?
This doctor once fully supported the vaccine, and even
administered it to many patients. Several months later after reviewing the
research and the ongoing case studies, he could no longer support it, and had
to stop promoting them.
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